Effects & Benefits of Hijama

Effects and Benefits of Hijama Cupping

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The act of perfoming Hijama is a Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)  and it is extensivly reported in a wide collection of authentic ahadith. Its practice is strongly recomened and emphasized in a number of narations. The practice of Hijama forms an integral part of Islamic Prophetic Medicine.

Hijama was a common practice of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his companions for the treatment of a range of ailments as well as a form of body maininance and health promotion.

What is Cupping or Hijama

Hijama or cupping is a safe, non-invasive and economical way of curing and preventing many diseases.  Though Chinese use of this method was limited to certain medical complications like lungs infection, colds, to treat internal organs’ disorders, joint pain, etc, the scope of hijama benefits is much higher than this limit.

The word ‘hijama’ means ‘drawing out’ in Arabic. It is now being recognized as an alternative medicine or alternative way of treating different diseases and bodily disorders. Modern medical science also endorses the various benefits of hijama and even encourages its practice in certain diseases.

In this non-surgical procedure, toxic or ‘bad’ blood is drawn out from the body. Certain ‘hijama points’ on the body are addressed to do so.  On such selected points, blood is encouraged to accumulate and then sucked out by using a little vacuum system.  The blood is made to accumulate on the surface of the skin where minute incisions are introduced on the skin; the blood comes out from the incisions and is collected in a cup from where it is removed.

Importance of Hijama in the Divine Guidance

Instead of putting our words in favor of cupping, we must see the following ahadith that are enough to explain the importance of hijama.

“Indeed in hijama (cupping) there is a cure”.  – Saheeh Muslim

“Indeed, the best of remedies you have is hijama (cupping)”. – Saheeh Al Bukhari

“Hijama is the most helpful procedure for human beings to cure themselves”.– Saheeh Al Bukhari and Saheel Muslim

The importance of hijama in the divine guidance can further be stressed by the following words which were related to the Prophet SAW on the night of Israa (ascension to the heaven) by angles: “O Mohammed, order your ummah (people) with hijama (cupping)”.– Saheeh, Sunan Tirmidhi.

 The Prophet Muhammad (SAW)is reported to have had hijama perfromed on his head for migraine [Bukhari], on his foot after a sprain [Ibn Majah], on his neck [Abu Dawud], on his hip for hip pain [Abu Dawud] and between his shoulders for detoxification [Ahmed].

Abdullah ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (SAW) said: “I did not pass by an angel from the angels on the night journey except that they all said to me: Upon you is cupping (hijama), O Muhammad.”[Saheeh, Sunan ibn Majah]

 “The best medicine with which you treat yourselves is cupping, or it is one of the best of your medicines.” Or“The treatment you can use is cupping.” [Bukhari: 5371]

“Cupping is the most helpful procedure for human beings to cure themselves.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger (SAW) said“If there was something excellent to be used as a remedy then it is cupping (hijama).”  [Sunan Abu Dawud, Sunan Ibn Majah]

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Qaya Clinic Treatments









Hijama Birmingham | Cupping Birmingham

From only £45 depending on treatment and areas required. Some treatments have an additional cost, please contact to discuss. This includes Wet Cupping Hijama or Dry Cupping.

Our sessions usually consist of massage cupping, dry cupping and wet cupping (Hijama) to achieve the best possible results.

Our therapists are fully insured for Cupping and Hijama Cupping Therapy.

48 Calthorpe Road, Quadrant Court, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 1TH (OUTSIDE the clean air zone) CLICK HERE FOR DIRECTIONS *BOOKINGS BY APPOINTMENT BASIS*

Our Hijama Cupping Clinic is based in Edgbaston – just off the Five Ways roundabout. With free street parking, nearby pay & display car parks and close transport links. We are less than one mile from the Bullring, Grand Central and Five Ways Train Station

Call, Text or WhatsApp:
Tel: 07516 154 483 (MALES)
Tel: 07719 865 562 (FEMALES)
Email: [email protected]


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